Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy End of Financial Year 2012/2013!

Happy End of Financial Year 2012/2013!

From a business coaching perspective, now is a great time to reflect on the Outgoing Financial Year and set up goals for Incoming New Financial Year.

Before saying Goodbye to 2012/13 and Hello to 2013/14, take a few moments to leverage this transition time to get the best of the New Year.

Answer the following questions, to take a quick financial and business review of 2012/13:

What were the outcomes?
What were the challenges?
What were the achievements?
What were the key learnings?

Answer the following questions, to set up your goals for 2013/14:

What will be the outcomes?
How will challenges be managed?
What will be the achievements?
What will be done differently?

Just as we have taken a Big Picture view of the year, it is just as important to do this regularly throughout the year. Your business coach at Transform Life Coaching will help you review your progress, modify the plan if needed and encourage you on to ensure you reach your outcomes.

Congratulations on your achievements, learnings and efforts of 2012/13. Here’s to an exceptional 2013/14!

If you are looking for a Business Coach in Brisbane, contact Transform Life Coaching

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Roll With Your Goals

I was amazed after reviewing 2010 and resetting goals for 2011, how things had changed.

Five years ago, my goals looked something like this:

  • Buy a house;
  • Go on an overseas holiday;
  • Get a promotion.

Last year looked something like this:
  • Learn Singhala language;
  • Take leave from work and spend it with my children;
  • Celebrate my 30th with a cruise;
  • Reduce mortgage and increase savings.

This year they look something like this:

  • Get my son into the school that's best for him;
  • Increase my business clientele and products;
  • Reduce mortgage to pay it off in 5 years;
  • Another year off work with children; and
  • A weekend away with my husband.

And in between times I have achieved those goals and much more. Saying that however, there have been some goals that I have not achieved, either because I have changed and don't want that anymore or because it's longer term and baby steps is all I need to do for now.

The great thing about goals, is that it sets your mind towards improvement or newness without reducing other opportunities and challenges that will come your way that you have never even thought of.

Have fun planning, however feel free to change along the way as you change and grow - it's your life!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year Goals! Feeling Motivated?

Happy New Year!

A new year, reflection on the past year, letting the past year go, and presto clean slate.

So what is it that you want this year? Where do you want to make improvements in your life? Here's a list to help your thinking:
  • Self care
  • Exercise
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Rest
  • Spiritual
  • Relationship
  • Kids
  • Money
  • Fun
  • Study
  • Work
Which 5 would you love to improve right now?
And how will you make this happen?

Begin by defining what you want eg I want to have more positive, loving encounters with my parents.

Now think about what this means to you and also them eg I would feel good about myself and my ability to be kind, open and loving.

Next write down 5 ways that you can do this eg 1.Look them in the eye and smile when I greet them; 2. Compliment them on something; 3. Listen to their stories even if that's difficult; 4. React kindly in all conversations and 5. Say thank you more often.

By writing it down and sticking it up somewhere, says that you are committed and intend on making a change for the better and will also remind you to start the habit.

And you are capable of starting any habit you want, once you understand why you want it and its value and benefits and then how to keep up the motivation.

Have fun with's your life you are the hero in your story so start writing your script.....

Wyomie Robertson
Transform Life Coaching

Monday, November 29, 2010

Controlling Christmas Chaos!

Well the last day before the official month of madness begins.....

This time of year traditionally is for winding down to some time off work, relaxing, holidays, so why does it feel like it is Winding UP?

Everything seems to go into overdrive - social activities, spending money, family encounters, birthdays, anniversaries, decorations, clutter, mail, sticky tape, traffic, humidity, time at shops, kids needs, full car parks, stress levels, the list goes on and you still haven't finished work yet.

If you're like me, I love love love Christmas but at times wish I was an ostrige and could stick my head in the sand and sheepishly return when the hustle was all over. 

It's easy to start feeling out of control, stressed even panicked about all the 'things' you 'have' to do.

Well it's time to get in control of Christmas Chaos, for one thing is for sure it will be here again next year.

So how do we regain and maintain control and calm this holiday season, here are some tips:
  1. Remind yourself of things you love about Christmas (carols, parties, kids enjoyment, happiness);
  2. Write a list of all the things you HAVE to do;
  3. Next to your list write a W for Want and N for Need against each thing;
  4. Now write next to each thing the date you want it completed by and who's going to do it;
  5. Prioritise the list into the things you like to do or are easiest and work through it; and
  6. Keep the things that you love about Christmas and holidays in the forefront of your mind and around you.
Christmas is time of increased responsibility, tasks, grief, stress from family etc but it is also a time of increased social gatherings giving opportunities to share time with those you care about, gifts both giving and receiving, organising and enjoying children's wonder and excitement, times to relax and take a break from work, take part in activities that bring you joy, connect and/or reflect with the religious meaning of Christmas.

I wish you all a time of reality with lots of joy and a little stress, but the awareness to know that you are in control of everything you partake in and therefore make the most it.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Get Your Body in Shape by Using Your Mind!

As a Life Coach and Fitness Trainer, I know how important the link between body and mind is to achieve your goals.

So what is it that you want for your body?

Fitness, tone, health, strength, shape, muscles, fat loss?

As we now well know, given the amount of dietary products and programs available and now the influx and variety of gyms, programs and personal trainers, our physical body goals are often not easily achieved and maintained.

Why is this?  Well there are hundreds of reasons why, from environmental, generational, societal, emotional, motivational, I could go on and on. The only reasons that really matter are those that are relevant to you.

Understanding yourself and what makes you tick is one of the best ways to crack the code to achieving and maintaining your physical goals. Everyone is different, so what motivates, interests and holds value to you will be different to someone else. Aren't we lucky that there is so much choice!

Did you know that you are 10xs more likely to achieve a goal if you write it down?

This is where making the link between body and mind and in most cases heart can really help you get what you want.

So remove the guilt, shame and disappointment at how many times you have tried to get fit, or increase your fitness, bulk up, slim down, improve posture, increase agility, become strong, get faster...more often it is not your body that lets you down, it's your mind, the good news is you can do something about it.

Identifying goals as well as barriers and strategies to break through these walls are paramount to your success.

Seeing a Life Coach at any step in your process will assist your mind to get your body where you want it to be and to stay there!

Wyomie Robertson

Monday, October 25, 2010

Birth Really Does Matter...

Well today I'm writing from the heart (well more then normal anyway).

I wanted to share with you my thoughts on birth....put perfectly by Penny Simkin, Doula, Author...

‘The childbirth experience lives on in new mother’s thoughts and emotions as she integrates her prior expectations with the realities. She needs to make sense of her childbirth by reconstructing it and putting into word what happened to her and how she felt.’ Penny Simkin

Since my own first birth now almost 4 years ago, I have a big place in my heart for all the women and men who have experienced the birthing of their baby that may not have rolled out the way they had planned. What a shock!

I feel for them for them they have probably never truly been able to shake the experience, make peace with it or at least been acknowledged of the trauma and triumph they experienced!

Because of this I developed a book and program to help women prepare emotionally for birth and recover emotionally from birth, something that other antenatal classes don't cover.

I believe a woman at the very least needs to be given the opportunity to debrief after her birth, to an unbiased and uninterrupting person and be given the verbal acknowledgement and validation they deserve. There is a lot more to it then this, but it's a good start and what's more important then giving a mother and her new baby a good start?

Need someone to debrief with and find some peace and joy in your experience, contact me I can help you.

Wyomie Robertson
Transform Life Coaching

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What Makes Your Heart Sing?!

What Makes Your Heart Sing?
The first question to ask yourself if you want to inject more happiness in your life.
What do I mean by this hippy-sounding phrase - quite simply what makes you feel happy, excited, joyful, serene, blissful, humble, inspired, on top of the world, makes you take a deep, deep breath in and as you breath out seems to release years of stress and tension.
Make a quick list of 5 things that Makes Your Heart Sing, the ideas will be right there so don’t think about it too much just write them down, your answers may surprise you.
It may be...singing at the top of lungs to your favourite song, trail bike riding, reading a beautifully written book, playing with your children, telling jokes at family bbqs, helping others in the community, spending time with nature, playing touch football, praying, creating, cooking, playing the guitar, talking to a close friend or life coach ; )...
So what makes your Top 5 list of things that Makes Your Heart Sing?
So what now that you have the list? – Make a plan, time and commitment to engage in these activities as regularly as possible. Oh course within financial, family and time realities; however these should not be used as an excuse not to do them.
You may even decide to make a regular date in you diary – weekly, monthly, yearly to do the things that Make Your Heart Sing!
To go a step beyond this you can ask your loved ones what Makes Their Heart Sing and try to do these things with them or give them the time and opportunity to do it. It may make a great next birthday or Christmas present. You may find that watching your loved one experience intense joy, in fact makes your own list of What Makes My Heart Sing!
What are your top 5?
Wyomie Robertson
Transform Life Coaching